

Attention: All information without guarantee. Especially in the case of official deadlines, exam dates, etc., we collect the information to the best of our knowledge and belief, but cannot guarantee that it is completely correct at all times. So if in doubt, please double-check with the person in charge instead of trusting us blindly.

You can also subscribe to this calendar with your favourite calendar app (on Apple devices, clicking the link should be sufficient, on Android, you might need an app like DAVx⁵ or ICSx⁵). The calendar is available as a regularly updated iCal file at the following address:

If you have problems with this or need a link for another protocol (e.g. CalDAV), just contact us. Likewise, if you are only interested in a specific type of event and would like to subscribe to a calendar containing only those events – we currently put everything together into one big calendar, but we can split it up if you wish 🙂

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