
General assembly

We normally hold weekly general assemblies (“Fachschaftsvollversammlungen”) to talk about everything that needs to be talked about. The general assemblies are public, so please feel free to join us – whether just to listen or also to talk.

In day-to-day life, we usually don’t use the formally correct and unwieldy term “general assembly” and instead just call them “meetings” or “sessions” (“Fachschaftstreffen” and “Fachschaftssitzungen”, respectively) – “general assembly” has this notion of a really big conference, but most often, we’re between five and ten students.

When and where do the meetings take place?

All meeting dates can be found in our calendar, furthermore, we also send a mail containing date, time and location before every meeting. If you’re a Computational Linguistics student, you should receive those mails automatically.

Each semester, we determine date and time so that they overlap with as few lectures as possible (if needed, date and time can be changed later). We are quite flexible regarding the location: Former locations included the couch corner in the pool, the Café Botanik near the canteen, the Fachschaft room in INF 327, second floor (third floor if you’re American), the alebenches in front of the Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, the concrete installation behind the institute and the internet. Since mid 2021, we usually hold hybrid general assemblies, so you can join either physically or virtually at your discretion.