
Fachrat (Subject Council)

In the Subject Council, all status groups of our subject, i.e. professors, students as well as academic, administrative and IT staff members come together and discuss a variety of subject-related topics, for example:

  • Review of exam regulations and course structure
  • Usage of the institute’s resources
  • Planning and evaluation of the curriculum
  • Wishes of the students

The Subject Council meets once or twice per semester and is only an advisory body; binding decisions can only be made by the Faculty Council. Nevertheless, it is the body in which subject-related suggestions or proposals from us students are most likely to be heard (and perhaps even implemented!).

Who’s in the Subject Council?

In addition to the three professors of our institute, there are three academic staff members, two staff members from our admin and IT departments, and, most importantly, three elected students in the Subject Council. When elected, a position in the Subject Council is held for one year.

At the moment, our elected members of the Subject Council are (term: Summer Semester 2024 and Winter Semester 2024/2025):

  • Alejandro
  • Dana
  • Jakob

How can I participate?

The election takes place once a year and will be announced by us (the Student Council) accordingly. We are happy about (and in desperate need of) every candidate!

The Subject Council is also an ideal way to get started in committee activities, as it only meets rarely and therefore requires relatively little work.

More information…

…can be found on the StuRa page!

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