
Elections to Senate and Faculty Council: What’s next?

You have requested your postal voting documents? Great¹. You already received them? Even better². You now ask yourself, whom and how to vote?

Then this article is for you.

Elections to the Faculty Council

You have 8 votes which you can use to choose how the 8 seats in the Faculty Council (Info page of the Fachschaft) should be filled. Each candidate can receive at maximum 1 vote.

Sadly, there are no more details on the candidates.

Elections to the Senate

You have 4 votes which you can use to choose how the 4 seats in the Senate (Info page of the Fachschaft) should be filled. Each candidate can receive at maximum 2 votes.

Most candidates run in bigger groups that pursue political goals. Information can be found on their (German) websites:

We weren’t able to encounter links for the other groups. We apologize for this inconvenience. Of course, we will add links as soon as we get to know them.

Furthermore, the StuRa offers several (German) services³:

What to do now?

  1. Fill out both ballot cards and put them in the corresponding envelopes (“Wahlumschläge”)
  2. Sign the “Wahlschein”
  3. Put both envelopes (orange and green) and the Wahlschein in the bigger envelope (“Wahlbriefumschlag”)
  4. Send the Wahlbriefumschlag via postal mail. They are already stamped⁵, so you don’t have to stamp it.

The elective office (“Wahlamt”) needs to receive the letter until Thursday, 2020-06-25, 16:00.


¹ If not, you can still get them personally, details on that are in the mails of the elections administrator.
² If not, be patient, it takes a while.
³ In earlier versions of this article, we also referred to a not-yet-published tool (similar to the “Wahl-o-Mat”) that should assist with voting decisions. This tool will however not be available for the Senate elections, but only the upcoming StuRa elections. The author apologizes for this mistake.
⁴ Besides Faculty Council and Senate, there will for example also be elections to the StuRa in about a month.
⁵ „The corresponding documents are – as an exception – already stamped. The entire [voting process] is totally free for you“ (translated from Wo & wann wird gewählt – Stura-Wahlen Heidelberg 2020)