Exams & Co.
We collect for you:
- Old and exercise exams
- Term papers and project reports
- Bachelor’s and Master’s theses
- Templates for writing these things
- Summaries of lectures
- Anki decks
You can find them in our GitLab (a CL account is required to log in), split into the following repositories:
- Fachschaft / Altklausuren (incl. theses, templates, term papers, etc.)
- Fachschaft / Zusammenfassungen
Do you have term papers, theses, templates, summaries, old exams, etc. that you can make available to us? Donations are always welcome, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
Lectures without old exams
Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with old exams for the lectures “Statistical Methods for Computational Linguistics” and “Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft”.
If you have any questions or problems in these courses, please speak to us or come along to one of the student council meetings – maybe we can help you somehow even without official old exams 🙂