Freshers’ Days
Hi there! We, the Fachschaft Computerlinguistik, would like to welcome you to the Computational Linguistics degree program in Heidelberg.
Every semester, we organize freshers’ days for all first-term Bachelor’s and Master’s students shortly before the start of lectures. You will find out how a the degree program is structured, which lectures you should attend, which cafeteria has the best food and many other things (more or less study-related). You can find the materials for that on this page.
We announce the date and location of all Freshers’ Days in our blog. Latest announcement:
Join our heiCHAT-Space “Institut für Computerlinguistik”. heiCHAT is the messenger operated by Heidelberg University (log in with your Uni ID). We have written installation instructions for smartphones and desktops: Instructions for heiCHAT
In the space there is, among other things, the room “Heimeliger Online-Pool” (to chat with other students from all semesters) and one room per semester just for first-term students.
In addition to the offers of the student council, which are specifically intended for computational linguistics students, there is also a university-wide networking platform called COMMUNITY (unfortunately only accessible via the university VPN).
There you can post articles in topic-specific forums – there are some on joint leisure activities, networking at the start of your studies, exchange of materials and a lost and found office – and find contact persons on topics related to your studies.
Material for download
We usually distribute the following materials on the Freshers’ Days:
- 📥 Slides: Introduction to the Degree Program (German)
- 📥 Slides: Small ads (German)
- 📥 Handout with timetable (German)
As part of the Freshers’ Days, the institute’s Gruppe Technik offers an introduction to the technical infrastructure, the materials for this (slides, pool test, …) are available on the Gruppe Technik’s webpage:
About us
The Fachschaft is a group of Computational Linguistics students who commit themselves to the interest of all Coli students. For this, we deal with study-related topics (design of degree program, examination formalities) as well as topics going above and beyond (Coli Weekends, summer and winter parties, Freshers’ Days, movie nights, …). You can find out more about us on the page about us.
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