
We Need You: Come Join the Fachschaft!

In the near future, many current Fachschaft members will finish their studies. In order for the Fachschaft to hopefully still remain active and continue to have Coli Weekends, parties, and student representation, we need your support.

What can I do?

  1. Come to the general assemblies: These are currently on alternating Mondays and Wednesdays, at 17:00 in the pool and online (see our calendar). The meetings are informal, so you’re welcome to just drop in to listen at first and then, when you feel up to it, take on a task (for example, creating a poster or Instagram post, answering an email, going to and reporting from a committee, planning an event, overseeing finances, driving for us, talking to other student councils, or running an election).
  2. Help out in IT: The IT of the Fachschaft takes care of our website, ticket system, accounts, and a few other things. If you would like to gain hands-on experience with technologies like WordPress, Docker, Traefik, LDAP, Continuous Integration Pipelines and more (maybe in preparation for your job or a private project), join the “ICL-Fachschaftstechnik” room in the heiCHAT space and introduce yourself briefly (i.e. which semester you are in, what previous experience you have, what you are particularly interested in). You have no special interest in server administration? No problem, we also need editors for this website here.

When if not now?

Experienced members of the Fachschaft are still on board and can help you get up to speed, look over your mails, and give you tips and tricks to make student council work easier.

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